Isolation, Integrity and some pitfalls in design

Time ago I worked in an application with Silverlight, I Try to create a design where the “core” would be maintainable and re-usable for a long time (of course inside of Microsoft C# technology)
After six year I open again the Solution for this project in Visual Studio 2013 with Windows 10 64 bit (it was created in Windows 7 32bits and VS2010) and I got a list of errors


The type or namespace name ‘MatchTimeoutInMilliseconds’ could not be found

Generated code for Silverlight references MatchTimeoutInMilliseconds, which does not exist


I look for the problem (no resolve yet) but I found that the problem is in the UI layer, because this use Silverlight and now this is deprecated. Fortunately the business logic is Ok


So here some lections to learn.

Don’t be a “fan-boy” with trending technology

Silverlight was good and time ago there was much support, but now is deprecated by Microsoft, at the same time in 2010 HTML5 staring to grown, so is important  employ Standard Techniques. Despite Microsoft still supporting Silverlight, but   if the application was written in a language more “Standard” like HTML5, maybe now not have problems with UI

Decouple the domain is SO IMPORTANT

I’m not an expert in Architecture and design but fortunately I try to follow the guidelines of DDD to decouple business logic (Domain Drive Design) here some examples how it was applied:
This is the main concept take for the book“Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software” by Eric Evans


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